Agendas can be hard to discover. Everyone has one. In whatever form, even if we think we do not have one, there is an agenda to our actions. Life likes to remind me that agendas are intent put to action. Sometimes I am aware, of others as well as myself. For most occasions, I do not really think about it. I recently realized that the lack of conscious thought does not mean that my soul is not focused on the subject. There are several scenes dancing in my mind. In general, they fall into one of three types.
When I am in the presence of an individual with a positive agenda, I feel better. I am more energetic. I am more likely to want to be collaborative. I respond to mistakes and differences differently. It is as if I want to be positive because s/he is positive.
When I am in the presence of an individual with a self-centric agenda, I struggle. I know I am working with a headwind. I am unsure what it will take to win. I find fears, uncertainties, and doubts tugging at my willingness to work in helpful ways. My attention is drawn to being defensive and protective. I may want to be collaborative yet everything within me screams something different.
There is the odd circumstance that there are positive agendas in a group mixed with others who only care about themselves. I find that it is often difficult to make positive progress until the agenda difference is resolved. With resolution, we move into collaboration and progress or slide into self-protection.
In every circumstance it is helpful when individuals are candid. A David voice sets the stage; “I’m not trying to get my way in the world’s way. I’m trying to get your [God’s] way, your Word’s way.” (Psalm 17.4) When coupled with consistent action, positive agendas come to life! Everything and anything is possible.
Today is an opportunity to set the stage for others that meet me. I know the agenda I want to embrace. Time to make it real.