When life provides an answer, one should take a moment to let it bury itself into one’s memory. Far too...
Read moreDetailsWhen life provides an answer, one should take a moment to let it bury itself into one’s memory. Far too...
Read moreDetailsI love moments bests described by “ah hah” followed by a short yet intense pause and the then “wow”. At...
Read moreDetailsIn my idle time I am working to progress three start-up ideas. Two are ones that started with a personal...
Read moreDetailsWill the impact one idea have as compared to another make one more important? Do we let the quantity of...
Read moreDetailsIf I inventory the moments past and future that are sitting top of mind, I find myself looking at a...
Read moreDetailsIn the echo of actions taken, meals completed, and conversations finished, there is stuff to be done. Sometimes the things...
Read moreDetailsThe distance to the goal had dropped from double numbers to single digits. This was good news! As I reviewed...
Read moreDetailsThere is a reality that one cannot hide from in a gym. If one wants to get in better shape,...
Read moreDetailsA friend is a regional leader in the start-up space. His passion includes helping start-ups succeed. It is more than...
Read moreDetailsThe negatives were overwhelming. No matter how many different vantage points I found to see the situation, it was ugly. ...
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