When I read something I usually try hard to refrain from editorialising about the author. While I am happy to...
Read moreDetailsWhen I read something I usually try hard to refrain from editorialising about the author. While I am happy to...
Read moreDetailsChristmas celebrations are in full swing. In Singapore’s central business district, one can measure evenings by the number of private...
Read moreDetailsAs I shared a Christmas celebrations recently with friends, I was struck by the sense of casual familiarity that was...
Read moreDetailsAn early memory from childhood in California was the Christmas decorations in downtown Sacramento. As I look back on the...
Read moreDetailsAs I casually waited to link up for dinner, I found myself sitting where I could see and hear several...
Read moreDetailsOn any afternoon I can walk through Singapore’s Boat Quay and find people without an apparent care in the world....
Read moreDetailsSometimes events are life catch one out, as if one is unaware of the obvious. Life often whispers in my...
Read moreDetailsI have a love and hate relationship with rowing. I love the memories of being out on a river or...
Read moreDetailsIn the casual conversations of the day, the subject of healthy eating keeps returning. The background driver is simple –...
Read moreDetailsTrends come and go, often with great fanfare followed by quiet retreat. The waves of hot subjects, trendy ideas, and...
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