I love the ebb and flow of international football. There is something magical when everyone on the pitch knows his...
Read moreDetailsI love the ebb and flow of international football. There is something magical when everyone on the pitch knows his...
Read moreDetailsFor the past sixteen plus years, I have had a safe house. I never realized that I viewed it this...
Read moreDetailsI was walking down a narrow alley in London. It may have been a carriage passageway a century ago, but...
Read moreDetailsI watched the shivering platform move with the wind. The window cleaners were doing their best to get their job...
Read moreDetailsI watched the clips of the coast guard vessels searching for a lost boy off the English coast. The scene...
Read moreDetailsThe news had been providing updates and warnings about the storm coming in from the west. TV stations broadcasted monster...
Read moreDetailsYesterday the news covered two people that had just past. One was a punk rocker that influenced a generation. The...
Read moreDetailsThere is a unique feature of London roads that I have not seen in any other country that drives on...
Read moreDetailsThe overnight flight was long and tiring. Fourteen hours on a plane, even if one is in the front of...
Read moreDetailsI have a friend that I talked to almost every week. I do not think there is a reason to...
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