A haunting memory from my younger days is the stories of kids fleeing the repression of the late sixties in...
Read moreDetailsA haunting memory from my younger days is the stories of kids fleeing the repression of the late sixties in...
Read moreDetailsExamples when repeated often become models. One can examine a model as a thing in and of itself. The advantages...
Read moreDetailsTravelling to India always brings a rush of long forgotten memories. The sight of an immortal Fiat taxi in Mumbai...
Read moreDetailsThe meeting was a mixture of new colleagues and one that I have known for years. The atmosphere was quiet,...
Read moreDetailsDo the ends justify the means? Are outcomes so important that I am justified in taking whatever decisions and actions...
Read moreDetailsI spend a lot of time talking about compassion, empathy, and acceptance. I define myself by these actions, interchangeable with...
Read moreDetailsI can see the possible, yet barriers, obstacles, and stubborn individuals block the opportunities. As doors seem to open the...
Read moreDetailsI think one of the hazards with aging is that it a close friend with regret. Time, more than any...
Read moreDetailsBeing asked to lead is an honor. The invitation is empowering, enticing, and exhilarating. Invitations should come with a warning. ...
Read moreDetailsI have a problem when I am drip fed information. I have come to realize that as I get information...
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