In the past few weeks I have had the good fortune to speak to gatherings of forty to fifty people...
Read moreDetailsIn the past few weeks I have had the good fortune to speak to gatherings of forty to fifty people...
Read moreDetailsI was reminded recently that the act of saying something aloud changed how one viewed the words. As I have...
Read moreDetailsAs I travel the world meeting the team I work with, I am struck by the emerging themes that transcend...
Read moreDetailsI would like to tell you that every relationship in my life gets off to a good start. Recently experiences...
Read moreDetailsI love stories. In every way I have been able to imagine, they are vehicles of our memories, hopes, and...
Read moreDetailsI wrestle with change, a lot. I have come to appreciate that knowing what to change is the easiest part...
Read moreDetailsSome cultures suggest or imply that lessons and insights only come from the elders. The fundamental premise is that the...
Read moreDetailsEvents, material, significant, and awesome, are occurring all around us. Many touch our lives. Some events are in the middle...
Read moreDetailsIt is interesting to watch how long it takes for someone to realize that s/he has the attention they have...
Read moreDetailsEverything has its limits. Rubber bands reach their limits then snap. Stretch an object beyond its limits and it will...
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