It was uncomfortable to watch a story that had clearly started well before I came into the scene. It was...
Read moreDetailsIt was uncomfortable to watch a story that had clearly started well before I came into the scene. It was...
Read moreDetails“What will it take to get the authority to make this decision.” “You already have it.” “I do not think...
Read moreDetailsFor as long as I can remember, I have taken air for granted. While it can be dirty at times,...
Read moreDetailsSingapore has a global reputation as one of the cleanest countries. As I watched the transformation over the years, I...
Read moreDetailsI was recently asked how much I was willing to pay for health. It was an odd question. Part of...
Read moreDetailsOn a normal day, I wake up to look out over the trees of Dempsey Hill, the Botanical Gardens, and...
Read moreDetailsI am struggling with a haze that as enveloped Singapore. It is hard to breathe. Exercising, even just walking, is...
Read moreDetailsI have two emails waiting in my inbox for my action. In both cases, I am being asked to give...
Read moreDetailsOne of my earliest memories of the California coastline was a trip when I was five or six years old. ...
Read moreDetailsThe grey and black striped cat could have been anywhere in the world. As I sat watching him on a...
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