Piano Player
The Taj Coromandel has a lobby with the obligatory piano player. He only comes in during the evening, so I...
Read moreDetailsThe Taj Coromandel has a lobby with the obligatory piano player. He only comes in during the evening, so I...
Read moreDetailsI felt like I was watching the birth of a metaphor. It was familiar, haunting, and in the end, one...
Read moreDetailsMore than a decade ago I read a book called “No Logo”. The insights and awareness the author, Naomi Klein,...
Read moreDetailsI love watching the interplay between motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, cars, autos, buses and trucks in Chennai. In the morning, it...
Read moreDetailsOnce upon a time I worked with four others for a man who led with trust and integrity. Before and...
Read moreDetailsRiding a motorcycle in a tropical rainstorm is rarely fun. The difference with a rainstorm in the tropics is that...
Read moreDetailsI am not sure what happened before the young Japanese mother and her mini-sumo wrestler son got on the elevator. ...
Read moreDetailsHarry Chapin wrote and sang a song that replays in my head from time to time, usually uninvited. The words...
Read moreDetailsI have watched two individuals touch others in very different ways. As the interactions extended from days into weeks and...
Read moreDetailsI was an inside but yet separated observer of a family going through the grief process of losing a parent. ...
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