I work out five to six days a week. I am committed to improve my fitness. Often, I find myself...
Read moreDetailsI work out five to six days a week. I am committed to improve my fitness. Often, I find myself...
Read moreDetailsAs we sat around a pool chatting late into the evening, the conversation drifted to the less stellar moments in...
Read moreDetailsSome people are easier to read than others. Their emotions are everywhere! You can see it on the face, playing...
Read moreDetailsI have a get-fit routine. Early on, a response to my efforts and progress changed how I looked at what...
Read moreDetailsBeing associated with an organization, group of individuals, or even an individual brings unintended consequences. One experiences the positive or...
Read moreDetailsSingapore is known for its diversity, openness, and acceptance. Cultures, religions, and many other ways of describing our differences are...
Read moreDetailsThe story unfolded without emotions. It was almost as if it had been told so many times that the storyteller...
Read moreDetailsI find myself getting on and off an emotional roller coaster. There is a wave rolling through life that is...
Read moreDetailsI am home after two weeks on the road. The time away has been filled with great celebrations, good...
Read moreDetailsEvery fibre of my being aches. I am tired, mentally exhausted, and running on empty. While the new day feels...
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