Times of reflection at some point come to a crux. Even if the “same” person emerges it is with expanded...
Read moreDetailsTimes of reflection at some point come to a crux. Even if the “same” person emerges it is with expanded...
Read moreDetailsParaphrasing an old clich?, “there is a time for subtlety and there is a time to just bag it.” ...
Read moreDetailsIn an age where nothing is certain, trust appear soft and watery, and consistency is a rare event, being confident...
Read moreDetailsIn times of distress important barriers between people, cultures, and countries quietly dissolve into nothingness. It is as if the...
Read moreDetailsAs one struggles against the odds in traffic it is easy to follow one’s natural reaction; it won’t get you...
Read moreDetailsTo look outside, one would never know there is a problem. The sky is filled with a bright winter sun,...
Read moreDetailsWe hear stories of how much communication occurs through non-verbal communication, yet most of us don’t really believe the facts...
Read moreDetailsIts odd how the same sentiment can be expressed on one occasion, perfectly acceptable, yet in another time and place...
Read moreDetailsThere is something that changes with experience. In my own journey it is as if the sum of the parts...
Read moreDetailsPeople in power and authority are not often recognized for they ability to show compassion, understanding, and empathy. It is...
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