I dropped into the conversation late. With intense focus, a wide open mind, and a willingness to be led, I...
Read moreDetailsI dropped into the conversation late. With intense focus, a wide open mind, and a willingness to be led, I...
Read moreDetailsThere are times, especially recently, where I do not understand simple English. It is as if the sounds form words...
Read moreDetailsIt is almost too easy to assume that someone knows what you are thinking. It is as if everyone presumes...
Read moreDetailsIn the war on terror, some would like us to believe we are sacrificing our freedoms, paying additional taxes, and...
Read moreDetailsMany mornings I make a conscious effort to not read the paper on the way to work. I have a...
Read moreDetailsWhat does it take to turn someone opinion? Sometimes it is a simple phrase or a way a demonstrating one’s...
Read moreDetailsPerfect moments come for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is due to the individual. Everything going into making the...
Read moreDetailsA politician’s party believes. A sport coach’s team believes. Otherwise, what is the point? Collect a paycheck. Win a contest. ...
Read moreDetailsReading the London papers is an exercise that can be excruciatingly painful if one is looking for the truth. Dual...
Read moreDetailsFitting into the right box is important, or so we think. It seems as if the more we express our...
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