A recurring question keeps crossing my conversations. “But, what do I do?” What answer should I give to someone that...
Read moreDetailsA recurring question keeps crossing my conversations. “But, what do I do?” What answer should I give to someone that...
Read moreDetailsIt is hard to describe the conversation, even in the minutes that followed its end. The experience was a reminder...
Read moreDetailsI grew up in a mixed vegetable soup of cultures. I cannot remember a time in my life when I...
Read moreDetailsTwo friends chatted about someone dear to the hearts. For one, the conversation was about his only sister. For the...
Read moreDetailsThe conversations always change. As the both parties realize that they are no longer employee and manager, team member and...
Read moreDetailsI have a confession to make. When I hear a story with tears – when someone has been struck down...
Read moreDetailsThe analysis and report were ugly. No matter what angle we chose to look at the data from, the facts...
Read moreDetailsA friend pointed out that his community had gone a full year without any intentional loss of life (murders). The...
Read moreDetailsWhen I first started working, decades ago, it was hard to know how to creatively solve problems. Concepts, tag lines,...
Read moreDetailsLooking ahead is an exercise that fills me with the unknown. A simple email this morning reminded me that at...
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