New Year’s Eve, along with weddings and most formal gatherings, is a time for toasts. Elegant words strung together, expressing...
Read moreDetailsNew Year’s Eve, along with weddings and most formal gatherings, is a time for toasts. Elegant words strung together, expressing...
Read moreDetailsDecision points in life come in the moment and then occasionally along the way. This may sound confusing at first...
Read moreDetailsI love coaching; everything about it except losing. Yet winning isn’t the most important thing in coaching, at least in...
Read moreDetailsNew Year is a time for new resolutions, fresh commitments, and a renewed sense of purpose. Unless one reflects the...
Read moreDetailsCommunities are unusual entities. They exist because people share common experiences, values, or priorities. When these begin to change the...
Read moreDetailsDreary English mornings are probably redundant words. The sky’s grayness combined with a light mist automatically means that the moss...
Read moreDetailsKnowing facts doesn’t always make a difference. How many people involved in broken relationships knew the facts before the choice?...
Read moreDetailsI love people watching, especially in busy cities. The amazing outfits, walks, and attitudes on displays could be the fodder...
Read moreDetailsThe streets are tough. Nobody gives everything is taken. People help but always with one hand ready to protect should...
Read moreDetailsAs we age, patience grows. It is merely because times goes by more quickly. Our recognition of the time we...
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