When you have a fantastic, awesome, beyond great meal you know that there is nothing you could tell the chef...
Read moreDetailsWhen you have a fantastic, awesome, beyond great meal you know that there is nothing you could tell the chef...
Read moreDetailsToday began as an oil-painting. Intense colors brushed on the horizon, grays, yellows, orange, a little pink and a smattering...
Read moreDetailsI naturally tend to get dehydrated. The tendency isn’t new however getting older, battling stress and frequent lack of sleep...
Read moreDetailsI am a lousy to worse musician with a big musicians heart. I love music. I enjoy music. Every aspect,...
Read moreDetailsStop by my office any morning before ten and you are likely to walk into the “blues”. For reasons that...
Read moreDetailsWhen one discovers the “calling” for life it is an amazing experience. When I first heard the term it was...
Read moreDetailsI have never been on the invitation to a Celebrity event. It is extremely unlikely that my name will ever...
Read moreDetailsI was always nervous as I stood in line waiting for the team to be chosen. It didn’t matter what...
Read moreDetailsI vividly remember the first challenge to my intellect. It didn’t come from an adult calling my bluff, or even...
Read moreDetailsThere are some things in life that cannot be bought. The normal list includes a beautiful sunset, the love of...
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