I don’t know how often I want judgment to reign! Level the score, make the point, and exact the price....
Read moreDetailsI don’t know how often I want judgment to reign! Level the score, make the point, and exact the price....
Read moreDetailsThere is a natural tendency to hope or believe that everything is will, at some point, naturally get better. “If...
Read moreDetailsI was recently advised that I was caught up in too much detail in my job. The opinion centered around...
Read moreDetailsI like a boss who is engaged in the business, knows and understands what I do, yet doesn’t micro manage;...
Read moreDetailsIn a crisis, a trip, or while waiting for a decision; everybody just wants the waiting to end! “Are we...
Read moreDetailsIs it half empty or half full? Is there hope or are we doomed? Can this be saved or should...
Read moreDetailsI used to wonder about people who talked about visions. While they never actually said they had them you could...
Read moreDetailsThere are so many problems in life, so much pain, and so little hope, that it is easy to be...
Read moreDetailsIt is easy to feel alone. Nobody knows your troubles, nobody understands, nobody cares. I live in a house with...
Read moreDetailsEveryone thinks his or her life is the worst. Right now I find it hard to imagine that anyone’s life...
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