I realize I often see life through rose colored glasses. It is as if I can’t see what is really...
Read moreDetailsI realize I often see life through rose colored glasses. It is as if I can’t see what is really...
Read moreDetailsTaking stock of life is a not-so-easy process. It isn’t that we can’t see; rather it is the challenge of...
Read moreDetailsNew opportunities are not always as easy as they appear at first glance. First, in order to grasp the new...
Read moreDetailsThe team was hand-picked. I knew I could trust them and that they had a firm grasp on our mission....
Read moreDetailsI am in the process of letting go of a dream. Not completely, just direct control. I don’t think I...
Read moreDetailsEverywhere one look’s there is someone or something pushing you to think and buy a holiday something. If you don’t...
Read moreDetailsThere is a difference when you know someone is fighting with you. Team sports are all about making the sum...
Read moreDetailsWhen times are tough it always seems like one is alone. Good guys never have it easy. Yet the story...
Read moreDetailsGuilt usually starts at a young age. You don’t even know why you are feeling what you are feeling. Over...
Read moreDetailsLast night I went to a great party. It had the ingredients; energy, music, good food, great deserts, and even...
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