The old clich? always talks about the light at the end of the tunnel. In my mind these words always...
Read moreDetailsThe old clich? always talks about the light at the end of the tunnel. In my mind these words always...
Read moreDetailsLife is hectic, overwhelming, and defies understanding. Everyone has goals that exceed their abilities. Even God is limited because of...
Read moreDetailsThere are questions that each generation asks. The questions usually include the following. Why am I here? Do I have...
Read moreDetailsEveryone is allegiant to something or someone. In the end even the “someone” represents something. If one translate the something...
Read moreDetails“When is this going to end? When will it be finished?” The questions come, regardless of the circumstances. You could...
Read moreDetailsHistory is full of examples where the presence of warning flags and early markers of change did nothing to change...
Read moreDetailsIf one is open one will be able to see into the future. At times the sight will bring hope...
Read moreDetailsLet me made a radical statement to start. Life isn’t about destinations or even having confidence about getting to the...
Read moreDetailsI am in hell. Challenges abound in every corner, dysfunctional relationships are the norm, and the concept of team is...
Read moreDetailsHave you ever seen something, been part of something, or listen when you knew that it would be impossible to...
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