Transparency is a corporate buzz-word that many love and very few even try to put into practice. I have often...
Read moreDetailsTransparency is a corporate buzz-word that many love and very few even try to put into practice. I have often...
Read moreDetailsOn every front, attention to details matter. Fashion designers careers pivot on the appearance of a single stitch in one...
Read moreDetailsThere is a myth about what heaven will be like. Fairies sitting in a loose group; clouds nurturing their back-sides;...
Read moreDetailsI am serious looking forward to a moment twenty-four hours into the future. In that moment I see my wife...
Read moreDetailsEach of us has a Divine call. We have not heard or understood the call. It is likely that we...
Read moreDetailsWhen I need help I go looking for someone who can do something. I’m not interested in one who is...
Read moreDetailsIt is always fun to go to a party where people haven’t seen each other for a long time. For...
Read moreDetailsI believe that everyone needs to demonstrate their value to the people around them. This is especially true when you...
Read moreDetailsKnowing where I stand is important. Often I cannot do much about the position, yet the knowledge frees me to...
Read moreDetailsAs I travel I have discovered that very few know my God. I don’t claim to one of a kind....
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