Casual Carelessness
I often wonder what it would be like to have the opportunity to relive my life with the experiences I...
Read moreDetailsI often wonder what it would be like to have the opportunity to relive my life with the experiences I...
Read moreDetailsAs I travel around the world I find myself increasingly in awe at this place we call home. There are...
Read moreDetailsThe results of evil played out are always ugly. Sometimes one sees the arrogant thief caught and justice exercised by...
Read moreDetailsEverywhere one looks there are bad things. An old man tending his grocery store kills would be robbers who threaten...
Read moreDetailsSometimes I find it really hard to tell the truth. I am looking at or evaluating an item, it could...
Read moreDetailsOne of the influencers in my business life used to remind me of a strange paradox he observed. My paraphrase...
Read moreDetailsAs I grew up the word “posh” briefly came into my vocabulary. It was a word for an object’s actual...
Read moreDetailsIt is ironic, sad, and hopefully funny when one discovers that the annoying smell that seems to overwhelm the environment...
Read moreDetailsI thought that I was relatively immune to the inhumanity of man to the family. Following the news of the...
Read moreDetailsIt is amazing how often and transparently the rules to no apply to those at the top. Presidents get away...
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