Passionate people are ruthless. Involved people are ruthless. Winners are ruthless. Are you: Learning about new parts of a corporation...
Read moreDetailsPassionate people are ruthless. Involved people are ruthless. Winners are ruthless. Are you: Learning about new parts of a corporation...
Read moreDetailsIn the battle for corporate ideas it is easy to assume that you are smarter than the opposition. Obviously since...
Read moreDetailsSurveying a flood is seriously depressing. Water is permeating everywhere. The ground is soft, with a feel of a soft...
Read moreDetailsAccidents, blood spilling, crisis creating, life at risk, are moments in time that everyone reacts to differently. Many are paralyzed,...
Read moreDetailsDestruction can be described in many different ways. There are some types of destruction that because I have not been...
Read moreDetailsWhen one looks through the glass of perception is it easy to see things differently. Setbacks appear as moments of...
Read moreDetailsIt is easy to look at yesterday and remember the good times. Everyone seems to talk about yesterday as if...
Read moreDetailsSome people find Singapore oppressive. I am not one of them. It is true that Singapore has some unusual ways...
Read moreDetailsThreats, drivers of change and hope sit on every corner. At times they are clearly visible. Most of the time,...
Read moreDetails“I thought the time for debates was over. Don’t you realize that the truth is obvious? Can’t you get it...
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