Sociologists have studied the way you and I look at life for some time. One of the theories that emerged...
Read moreDetailsSociologists have studied the way you and I look at life for some time. One of the theories that emerged...
Read moreDetailsI listened to a band put a blues twists on a couple of classic Beatles songs. I had not heard...
Read moreDetailsWhat does one do when one is party to something not of her/his making? Is the best option to cut...
Read moreDetailsAn emotion I struggle with is frustration. It is frustrating to be frustrated! I feel guilty, feeling that I should...
Read moreDetailsI always find it interesting when someone takes credit for an idea. What about the idea was unique? Was it...
Read moreDetailsIn the age of data, image, and information overload, knowing what binds us together is often problematic. Is the elephant...
Read moreDetailsAs I reconnected from the road, the perspectives stood in stark contrast. I know the team is committed to a...
Read moreDetailsIt would be wonderful if every community – small, big, or related – worked seamlessly and effortlessly together. I have...
Read moreDetailsI cannot remember when or how our friendship started. On the surface, we did not share much in common. In...
Read moreDetailsIn an early morning call today I was reminded of an Antarctic explorer, Ernst Shackleton. On a major exploration things...
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