Someone asked me what was the best tool I had in my shop. It was an interesting question because there...
Read moreDetailsSomeone asked me what was the best tool I had in my shop. It was an interesting question because there...
Read moreDetailsWhere does one start with the task seems overwhelming? What if the only view is filled with unknowns? Does this...
Read moreDetailsI used to think that I could identify a good person from a bad one, a good event from a...
Read moreDetailsIt was a simple two line SMS from one friend to another. We do not see each other much anymore. ...
Read moreDetailsAs four days of attending a conference wrap up, I am struck by the experience of seeing old friends. Some...
Read moreDetailsAs the software demonstration reached halfway, I was impressed. The development team had taken the criticisms to heart and had...
Read moreDetails26 October 2010 The conversation with a vendor was going to be an interesting one. While I had a general...
Read moreDetailsToday is the first day of a conference with 8,000 plus people. In an understatement, there are a lot of...
Read moreDetailsAs complicating, chaotic, and messy as life is, at the core it is really simple. You and I have a...
Read moreDetailsLife throws twists and turns. Just when one thinks s/he has a grip, something comes along. For most of my...
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