There is, at least in my life, a natural tendency to see myself at the center of life. Everything is linked somehow someway to me. Intellectually, I know this is not true. There must be at least one event each day which has nothing directly to do with me.
It is easy to smile when a child cries out “watch me, watch me”. Knowing you are at the center is more than feeling good, it reassures one that s/he belongs. As I smile with images flashing through my mind, I catch myself in the frame. I wish every example was from my early days. However, as a recent excursion reminded me, there are far too many recent pictures.
In returning the one of life’s core lessons, I find myself returning and reflecting on a simple truth. You and I belong. We are members of a Divine family – from the time of our conception through good times and bad. We did not earn this. We did not qualify because of something we did. We belong because we were chosen as our parents were chosen, right back to the beginnings of human existence.
In the ongoing battle between good and evil, belonging and doing it on one’s own, Evil continues to create a doubt within us. We do not belong because… The finishing words are our intentional acts as well as missed opportunities. The finish starts with the premise of not measuring up or doing what is required. Across different faith systems is a shared premise, before our life began, we were “chosen” by Divinity herself. And yet, doubts remain across every generation as inadvertently revealed in the psalmist notes. “Thank you! Everything in me says ‘Thank you!’ Angels listen as I sing my thanks.” (Psalm 138.1)
As a child is reassured by a mother’s embrace, comforting words, and pictures shared with others, I find assurance as I recognize Divinity’s touch, embrace, and whispers. In taking note, remembering, and celebrating the encounters with Divinity and her children, I realize where my center has always been – in Divinity’s heart.