As I look forward to spending the next twenty-four hours travelling, I hear whispers reminding me to lighten my load. I know there are choices to be made and actions that I can take. The airport art window is replaying the question of what comes next. The fine print at the bottom of the window echoes my heart: “I know, we can’t wait either.”
Clearing out the less-than-useful stuff in my life is an ongoing challenge. On one hand, I get it. On the other hand, I have reasons and emotions that are attached to each piece. One element could be considered pointless to anyone looking in, even as I see the direct connection to my heart. In the quietness, I hear Life’s whispers offering observations for reflection.
Clearing out what has not been used creates space and opportunity. We will never lose what we have, especially as we develop the capacity for more. In my desire to make a difference, I know growth is required. Growth requires space, openness, and support. The words of yesterday still apply; “Clear the path for long-distance runners so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle. Help each other out. And run for it!” (Hebrews 12.13)
Gaps in our lives will be filled. One controls far more than one realises. The decision of what we consume is ours. Our experiences include the element of our willingness to be present and participate. Time often comes with fillers, chaotic and inadvertent filling in when I am idle or absent. My highest priority, my primary calling, is to take care of myself. This is a point of accountability that cannot be delegated. My response will define my heart and soul.
My story is still being written. There are new chapters to be revealed. Stories will emerge. Lives will be touched and changed. As I speak of my dreams and aspirations, I talk of the better man who will emerge. I already hear the voice in response; “I know, we can’t wait either.”