In every conversation, especially when two people share idea on how to work together more effectively, one or both of the parties gives and or expects some type of commitment. The need to address our underlying distrust of what will happen in the future is a strong need within each person. We know through experience that people will fail in their relationship with us. Street smarts warn that we cannot trust words; actions are what tell the true story as time unfolds.
Knowing who to trust, which promise we can use to build on, and when and how one can safely commit is at best an educated guess. The ability to discern the right choice is difficult. The challenge transcends all parts of ones life. Family relationships, your life partner, work colleagues, and social friends all come under scrutiny.
I wish there was a simple formula, or process one could use to reduce, control, or even eliminate the uncertainty. The only advice I have is to look at the situation with open honesty, especially when it comes to our personal abilities and performance. The questions are there. Can I trust myself? Am I able to work things out in the short or long term? Do I have the right skill set and abilities? If I do not what are the key criteria that I am missing? Is there any chance that one of my friends, colleagues, or family has 100% of the missing items? If I do not believe they have the answer, can you or I find the answer anywhere?
Abraham faced the same problem. You and I face the same problem. Every person I know faces this question, even though the ability to admit it may be missing.
Yesterday Whitney and I struggled with the decision of a cold dip after a Jacuzzi. The answer was and is there. “He [Abraham] plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said.” (Romans 4.20)
Are you ready to give it a shot?