A photograph arrived with an email. One look and I was back in Alaska on a brown bear photo-shoot. I was the plebe in the group. My five days with them was fun, challenging, and inspiriting. First I learned a lot – about taking pictures, accepting others, and going with the flow. Everyone was teaching the other. Everyone was learning from the other. Everyone was willing to go with the flow.
The picture brought back great memories and lessons. It was odd because the picture was not about brown bears or even animals. I am still not sure what triggered the memory. I know it had something to do with the light contrast. The composition was exquisite – a wonderful combination of beauty and thought provoking at the same time. Whatever the trigger was, my reflection took me to a series of lessons the individuals on that trip have left etched on my heart and mind.
Commitment makes a difference. Never approach anything half-heartedly. If you are going to do it – do it right.
Others can see what you cannot. The key lies in knowing and embracing the possibilities of what this means! If they see something you do not, it is an invitation to explore more than you ever imagined possible.
Giving, sharing, and accepting is similar to accepting an invitation to a party. If others are having fun, your role is to add up the volume, roll with the craziness, and enjoy the outcome.
When I think of the great pictures that emerged from that trip, I think of the men and women that were the heart of the trip. When I think of them, David’s words echo in my mind; “His heart pumps God’s Word like blood through his veins; his feet are as sure as a cat’s.” (Psalm 37.31)
To each, thank-you. You are God’s kids. You set examples of what it means to live life fully, letting compassion, community, and commitment wage war against anything that opposing the three Cs. I wake challenged – ready to engage – ready to take on today’s battles. Cheers.