Perhaps because I recognize it, arrogant powerful people make my blood boil! I find myself wildly emotional. I want to stand and scream. I want to confront. I want to bring an intense awareness to the person of my attention, forcing them to change her/his way of thinking. Obviously, I cannot do this with politicians. Clearly, most business leaders are beyond my reach. Even those close to me usually escape my barrage. I lack the trust to be candid and honest with them.
Yet, the emotions flood my heart. They are consuming me from the inside out. The process is rarely constructive. In my anger, I know that I am an offender. In my frustration, I recognize how often I follow the pattern. In my emotions, I see my heart.
There is a missing element in my thinking. It is a simple one. It is also a message I need to hear with fresh ears. Paul’s words lay out the themes; “We are men just like you, and we're here to bring you the Message, to persuade you to abandon these silly god-superstitions and embrace God himself, the living God. We don't make God; he makes us, and all of this—sky, earth, sea, and everything in them.” (Acts 14.15)
The missing element, that we are human beings, highlights the reminders I hold onto in my life.
You and I are family. There is far more that binds us together than separates. We are in this together.
You and I are human beings. This means, by definition, that we make mistakes. We harbor doubts and fears. We want to be more than we are.
You and I can help each other. We can make a difference in our communities. We have the freedom to be a force of positive change.
I may not be able to confront the arrogance I see in others. I can response to the arrogance that lives within me. I can embrace my community. I can forgive myself. I can walk with a friend. I can model the answer to what I see.