I believe truth, real, honest, and pure truth is compelling. The shape of the belief has several statements that go with it. Truth has a power to touch our souls and physical bodies in a way nothing else can. Truth is always right but when you and I try to apply truth in the world that you and I live in, it is not always obvious or easy. Principals with higher truth quotients are valued and appreciated across more cultures, situations, and relationships.
I do not believe you can compel another person to accept, embrace, or support the truth you see. Logic may force an acknowledgement of a given fact. However, accepting a fact is very different from accepting full truth.
Truth has a very important role to play in our lives. When you combine the facts that truth is universal, truth is compelling, and truth shapes our lives, truth still faces a limitation. It is only as powerful in your life and mine as we accept it within. It is only as useful as it is embraced. It is only seen and known as it is supported by our actions, choices, and life.
It is in our support that truth finds its birth. We model what we embrace. We show others through our actions, choices, and decisions what we accept. In many ways, we do not need to say anything because those around us know! When you believe something with all your heart, you apply the through truth to every situation. Confrontations take a different course when compassion is a held truth. Differences are resolved in unique ways when mercy is personally valued as truth. Even the ways we relate to those around us, our conversations about life in general and our conundrums are shaped by the truths we hold within.
I enjoy learning about and embracing new truths. I find that it is the essence of what it means to be alive. Today is filled with unknown opportunity windows. Carpe diem.
“Nations will come to your light, kings to your sunburst brightness.” (Isaiah 60.3)
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