The use of a common language and even shared words doesn’t mean that both parties understand what the other is saying. The exchange of sounds between two human beings is not complete until something, anything is communicated. The problem in today’s world is that cultural, values, viewpoints, education, and motivation all work together so that most of us do not complete the communication process with each other.
Reading the daily newspaper is, for me at least, a piece of frustration. Given the words politicians use and how I understand the word’s meaning, I can only conclude that virtually every politician I have read about lives on a different planet than either you or I. It doesn’t end there. From the rhetoric, sports figures seem to use a different standard of ethics, morality, and code of conduct which in turns changes their speech. Even the society columns speak to a different way of seeing and living life. The latter is interesting but most of the times I conclude that I am ready dreamy fiction in a daily paper that purports to represent truthful facts.
I wonder if we are each going through life in more and more isolated ways. Do we understand each other? Do we care that we understand? What do we think we are looking for when we communicate?
I like to plant visions and dreams. I have found that it isn’t enough to use words and metaphors that the person with the opportunity to grow understands. I have to walk with them, guide those that are willing with actions rather than words, modeling the opportunity in ways that draws them into the vision. Then the comprehension and dreams begin.
The Spirit is engaged using the same process with you and me. More than words, experience with God is the key to new opportunities. The problem is that the opportunity doesn’t last forever. God’s own words give us the warning. “I come unannounced, like a thief. You’re blessed if, awake and dressed, you’re ready for me.” (Revelation 16.15)
Comprehension is just a God experience away.