My desk was flowing over at every corner with paper. Nothing was in any sense of order. Multiple versions of the same document, each marginally more refined than the other, dominated the scene. Intermingled in the confusion and mess were studies, market reviews, and proposals. Something had to be done!
As I sorted and tossed, I found myself unfolding two pages I couldn’t remember folding. In itself this isn’t completely unusual. Yet the gap in my memory was enough to wake me from my semi-automated slumber. As the pages revealed themselves I instantly knew they were not mine. As I read and reread the pages I realized the confidential documents were not for my eyes. What could and should I do?
As the document’s owner walked by I motioned for him to come in. “I believe these are yours.”
Surprise is the first of many expressions skimming across his eyes. “You didn’t read them did you?”
I just stared, poker faced and motionless. The lack of non-verbal response mirrored my silence. “You did read them, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t answer your question.”
Busy demands on everyone ensured the conversation never finished. I found myself wondering how anyone could conclude I had said something. Yet a conclusion was drawn from the evidence at hand. This process isn’t uncommon or new. When something happened in a story John was writing about, the record records two very different conclusions.
“The listening crowd said, ‘Thunder!’ Others said, ‘An angel spoke to him!’
Jesus said, ‘The voice didn't come for me but for you.’” (John 12.29, 30)
There are lively debates on what actually happened but having a debate misses the point. Jesus heard what he needed to hear. I wonder if I am open to what is really going on around me. Do I listen; really listen to what is actually being communicated? Do I fit what I see and hear into a pre-designed framework? Am I looking between the lines?
Divinity speaks to you and me constantly. Today is an opportunity to listen. Seize the moments one by one.
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