Given the quantity of religious strife, mutual views of contempt between people of differing religious views, and unwillingness of many to listen to anyone else, one should not be surprised how confused many people are. People of differing religious do not seem able to hear each other. It seems as if the natural reaction is fighting. It appears the most common form of language is fear. Confusion takes precedent over learning. Doubt is hiding in and among the defense. Everyone one looks walls and barriers are under construction.
I wonder if you or I know where we belong. Is God our friend or our enemy? Does God work on our side, in Divinity’s interest, or for some other reason? Where do we fit in the bigger scheme of things?
I often find myself looking to others for the answers. It is as if I know I don’t have the answer; someone must! I somehow keep missing the obvious. God is quite clear on the matter; “you, Israel, are my servant. You're Jacob, my first choice, descendants of my good friend Abraham. I pulled you in from all over the world, called you in from every dark corner of the earth, telling you, ‘You're my servant, serving on my side. I've picked you. I haven't dropped you.’” (Isaiah 41.8, 9) You and I are God’s children. Divinity’s home is within our hearts and minds.
We have an incredible opportunity to show others just what this means. My confusion is far more common than anyone is willing to admit. Yet the answer found is someone walking with God is extremely powerful. I reflect and I know I have seen God’s shadow in the people who are part of my life. They told me by their actions what God is like. They expressed God’s love by their love. I knew I was accepted, loved, and cherished because of their actions.
Life can be very confusing. In one area, it doesn’t need to be. God love us, passionately. Today is our opportunity to help clear this up by seriously living.
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