There are several individuals in my life I could talk to everyday and still find myself thinking I should talk to more. I do not fully understand our connection. As time slips by, I have come to see it as a priceless gift which makes me better than I otherwise would be. The reminders color my view of the day just beginning.
Each knows the “me” at my center. There are no filters or facades. While the path from first meeting to where we are today varies widely, the place they have within me is something I protect, honor, and treasure. They know and I know that they know. It is in the mutual awareness that the connection exists in a unique way for each.
I feel accepted and valued. In the reality of the connection, the dialogue between us is positive, insightful, and, even when I may not enjoy the message, helpful. The last point is an important element in the secret sauce of our connection. Each value me exactly as I am while caring enough to never leave me where I was. They confidently know I can be a better man.
Our connection and the shared dialogue are not impacted by distance. I often carelessly ignore the time between a call or note. The echoes of the conversation are front of mind as I get caught up in the daily drama du jour. Even with the reality of my forgetfulness, the connection endures.
As I request, considering each connection with a quiet prayer of thanksgiving, I find that there is a constant in my life which predates everyone. In my earliest memories through the present, Divinity has always been present. There is a conversation which began in innocence and has survived the rollercoaster which comes with the transition from child to adolescent and on into adulthood. The psalmist explains the broader reason for the connection. “Here’s why: God, high above, sees far below; no matter the distance, he knows everything about us.” (Psalm 138.6). Divinity’s connection is personal, priceless, and core to my being.