There is a small network of close friends who I know will always be on my side. In a recent situation, the ability to reach out, have a conversation, and take a positive step forward with confidence was possible because I knew they would be there. As I reflect on the relationship with each, I find myself considering the other areas of my life where constant certainty is not always assured.
Life repeatedly offers experiences and examples to confirm the constants. The link between Divinity, beauty, and wonder is, from my experience, absolute. I am on record as a witness having written on the subject for more than two decades. As confident as I am in this moment, there are times when I act as if Divinity is on vacation, I have been abandoned by all my friends, and the only assured thing in my life is justice. The latter is not a good thing because I, like others willing to look in the mirror, know the truth of her/his life.
As I let the lessons replay in my life, I am reminded of the following constants.
Divinity has and is always in our lives. The testimony of the psalmist continues to stand the test of time; “Your kingdom is a kingdom eternal; you never get voted out of office. God always does what he says and is gracious in everything he does.” (Psalm 145.13). With confidence born again with the renewal of a new dawn, the beauty of wonder of nature, relationships, and hope are as fresh as they have ever been.
It was never about what we do. It is always about something greater. In the darkest moments of my life, I can only see myself. I am aware of failings and weaknesses. I see the consequences of my actions and I fear for the judgement when I am held accountable. It is hard to imagine anything otherwise in the darkness. When I look beyond, there is Light. Divinity has a natural way of restoring and recreating goodness within when we accept Her touch.