Of the many things I am thankful for, among the top is my short-list of mobile numbers. There numbers represent individuals I know, and trust, will always be in my corner, in good times and bad, when I am at my best as well as those times when it is less so.
As a voice faded into silence, it occurred to me that the who and why has changed over the years. The early “I like and enjoy being around you” is now quite different. Change notes include the following.
There is no question of sides. I know with certainty that my best interests are being held in trust by the other. This is more than an arbitrary pick of which side one might choose. It is a choice another has taken and communicated with the insight and awareness that only comes from a deep understand and measure of who I am. At times I am reminded. On other occasions, the fact that this cornerman’s support is a sure constant is the foundation on which I can exercise courage and perseverance.
Conversations are not always pleasant. Those in my corner know they are permissioned to tell me what I may not want to hear. The priceless element I treasure is the honesty and candor which comes without an agenda other than my best interests. The words exchanged form an ongoing dialogue which seems to continue no matter how long the pause between where we left off and when we continue might be.
We know each other. There is a deeper understanding which one hears between the lines. The casual banter often tells stories of the heart, which are heard with an intensity and interest matching the storyteller.
Cornermen rarely just arrive. It takes time to see and believe in those in our corners. A reminder as I reread the psalmist’s words, “In turn, may God of Zion bless you – God who made heaven and earth!” (Psalm 134.3). Take time to know and dialogue with Divinity. It was, for me, a discovery of my greatest cornerman.