I know that I am passing through the latter half of my life however I can still remember the girls that seemed to be able to cast a spell over me. I never quite knew how to describe the magically combination. When I saw it, I knew I had found “her”. The sense, awestruck feeling, and hope that came with the sight overwhelmed and brought my mind to a complete stop! My crush usually never went anywhere because I was, like many of my age, reluctant to walk with courage and start with a hello.
One meeting was different. I found somebody that was a soul mate; she shared the same goals, had similar dreams and yet looked at life totally differently. I always came away from our togetherness with more hope, energy, and a sense of belonging. It took a bit of time, and in the end my crush was complete; the magical combination had brought me home and I wanted to be nowhere else.
There is a difference and it transcends the members of the opposite sex in our lives. The gentlest way I know how to describe it is one is external and the other complete. When I saw the whole person my attraction was so complete that nothing could stand in my way! I was consumed in the best sense of the word. On the other hand, the simple lust of my eyes mirrored the need to fulfill my own desires.
“Lady Wisdom is at home in an understanding heart – fools never even get to say hello.” (Proverbs 14.33)
I know that I have a crush on God, big time! I have made a decision that the very essence of God is what I want my self to look, be, and act like. Values such as total acceptance and mercy, priorities like compassion and love. I know I am no, but I want to be. With God, this decision gives me the power to not only say “hello” but to invite God into my soul.
Anything less is merely a passing glance.