Having experienced corporate and start-up lifecycles, I still find the ride one goes on with a start-up exhilarating. In a corporate context, there is a slow ebb and flow of successes and challenges, great collaboration as well as extended battles of idea supremacy. Inevitably, all sides have their moments in the sun. The challenge for anyone in this situation is one of riding the waves while staying true to one’s calling.
In the start-up world, the cycles of highs and lows come much quicker and are more severe. Today’s high gives way to a dark challenge by the end of the day. Even as you tackle this and want to celebrate, another wave hits! The ability to resiliently endure is a trait shared by most leaders, especially those involved in a start-up.
I do not have a magical band-aid which will take away the stress and uncertainty. What I can offer is three observations which continue to guide me through the challenge of growing swells of highs and lows, each a celebration as well as a relentless challenge.
You are never alone. In the bright sun and darkness night, remember that others are caught in the same cycle. If you have any doubts, remember the psalmist record of a cry for help from days long past; “and now, God, do it again – bring rains to our drought-stricken lives.” (Psalm 126.4)
Asking for and accepting help is a sign of strength. I have no idea why I think I can do it all on my own! In the darkest moments, I catch myself think that there is no person or tool which can help. I am so wrong, it hurts! I know and believe better, yet I drift back into this mindset far more often than I care to remember.
Today darkness is a precursor to the sunlight which will come. Life reminds me that darkness is never as long or as dark as I imagine. With actions born of kindness, community, and compassion, one can trust in the light to come.
Anything is possible today.