It isn’t that I couldn’t do it. It isn’t that I did not want to do it. It is a outcome when you combine doubts, uncertainty, and a lack of confidence. In those moments the solution is simple, Dad and or Mom.
During the past few days I have come to appreciate how good this solution feels, albeit with a fresh sense of nostalgia. The solution is far more universal than I had previously realized. Carli and Whitney find Dad useful, at least for some things. Cherry finds her Dad helpful, for a wide range of problems. Even when we don’t realize we need help, Dads do. They step in and take action, even before one asks. Fantastic! Awesome! Neat!
Results show up in many different places. Lattes are ready, even before one realizes they are looking for one. Chairs are repaired, carefully, thoughtfully, and proactively. Rides are available, even in the middle of the night. Shop supplies, recipes, and creative solutions are always available. Encouragement, conversation, and listening are standing at the ready. Wisdom, patience, and insights are available. Everyone one looks one finds the results of Mom’s and Dad’s touch.
As I realize how to walk with help at my side I find myself seeing God in a new light. God isn’t looking to control my life. God, like Dad and Mom, is looking to be engaged. God is happy to help, yet that is not the primary focus. When I thirst for revenge, I know “the Master will fix it so those Zion women will all turn bald—scabby, bald-headed women. The Master will do it.” (Isaiah 3.17) Yet I also know the Master will be there is the quiet moments when I need someone to listen. I know someone will always share Hope. I know someone who cares, passionately, deeply, and without reservation.
Dads and Moms have special roles in our lives. “They” include the parents who gave life, accepted me in marriage, and God, who loved me first. Today, everyday, we have at least one with and for us.
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