In business it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern the difference between data and information. One is found anywhere you look; in fact for most there is far too much bombarding us through everything possible. The internet, television, radio, newspapers, idle chit-chat give us far more bit of data than anyone can possible absorb. Some of the information is humorous however more of it is useless unless we are specifically looking for this tidbit at the exact moment in time that is crosses our path.
Information is special and different. My definition of the word is simple – it is data with meaning and context. Certain data elements have meaning, most just occupy space. Data elements that expand my thoughts, lead me to develop actions and perspectives, and give me a clearer view are nuggets that one must take on without reservation. For many, information is power. Information cannot be shared or communicated to others unless something is received in exchange. Information clearly has value, especially when everyone along the path sees that the element is actually information instead of just data.
God is in the business of providing us information. Divinity itself faces the concern that everyone is bombarding us with data but our ability to truly see and understand God is more distant than at anytime in the history of the world. So God empowers people to testify about the character of the Divine. God offers concrete evidence of the power and nature of God role and interest in human events. God even goes so far as to be and stay involved in the minute of day to day, moment to moment living. Nothing is too small or insignificant.
It is in this context that the question posed by God is very relevant to you and me today. “Are your ears awake? Listen.” (Revelation 2.16) Listen for God’s voice. Be on the lookout for God in action. Divinity is at work in your life and mine. God is engaged. The question remains, are we are listening? There is real information available to all.