I thought I was perfectly clear. I assumed my English words carried no confusion, mixed meaning, or room anything but one interpretation. Logic dictated that words plus listeners plus sound mind equal understanding. If one then added motivation and reward to the mix, the natural result would be that charge would occur. Sometimes I am very, very wrong.
After exploring what people knew, and did not know, there is little doubt that 90% of my message got through. Individuals who are very smart and experienced listened intently to grasp the core of my meaning. They had a high degree of motivation. However, when you connected their actions with my intent there was a major disconnect. The team understood the rationale I so carefully articulated as an integrated picture as discrete blocks of information. The puzzle and map for a new way of doing business lay in pieces at my feet.
There was one solution; give them an experience that lets them live the meaning.
God gives us facts and a mind to think through the implications that result when we connect these facts. God's list of facts can be short or long, depending on how you want to look at things. Usually I examine the things I should not do and look for the minimal set of actions required. God knew this would not work so he encouraged Paul to give me some experiences.
“When you love others, you complete what the law has been after all along.” (Romans 13.8)
It is amazing how one simple experience does more to increase my understanding than reading and struggling through paragraphs and chapters about God facts (the law). It is awesome to watch light bulbs come on when people experience the meaning of everything I keep trying to communicate. Memories, emotional events, and everything that goes into what we call experience is often the key to understanding the inner meaning of words.
God loves you and I in ways I still do not understand, however, as I love others I am beginning to catch a glimpse. . .