What do you do with the facts? When everything is on the table, does this knowledge make a difference in the next step? Is truth always on the winning side?
These questions have been rolling around in my life unanswered. It is as if there are so many wicked problems with clear stories that one has no idea where and how to start. How do you articulate what is going on without sounding vindictive, angry, or frustrated? Does the knowledge itself become relevant to the next action and decision? Can one assume there are others, when knowledgeable, coming onside to defend the principles involved.
I look to the news and see that others face the same questions. British politics is full of variations on this scene. Wars around the world are hung up on yesterday’s choice instead of the step forward today. People are dying because the world is unable or unwilling to act. Decision points are flashing red, calling for action, and yet seem to continue in an unending repetitive loop.
Even in the mirror I cannot find a picture that breaks the mold. Everywhere I look it is as if Divinity is turning to those who care to listen and laying it our rather bluntly. “I arrive on the scene, tell you the plain truth, and you refuse to have a thing to do with me.” (John 8.45)
Something needs to break the mold that is settling in on our lives! At least one thing needs to happen to anchor the decision point which could change the path into the future. Every time I visualize this event there are common scenes. God is present. People are aware. People are desperate for something to change. God engages. People engage. A decision point because a life changing event.
I sit in the early hours of a new morning and certain thing I know with certainty. God is here, in your life and mine. God is actively and willingly involved in the minute details of our lives. The only uncertainty is with “me”.
Today I choose.
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