I have a good friend that is overwhelmed by the realities of life. Pain, uncertainty, and expectations of others dominate his thinking. The combination is debilitating on a good day and paralyzing when it is less so.
As we talked about life recently, I was surprised how articulate he was on the facts and his situation. We drifted into specifics and details – events, developments, knowns and unknowns. His words were candid, concise, and from everything I can see, accurate. The challenge he faces is not one of knowing facts and figures. From our conversation, he can see with surprising clarity and understanding.
As I reflect on our conversation and find myself looking in the mirror, I find myself considering the following reminders.
Facts and figures are never enough. We may see and know, yet this is not the destination we seek. Our destination comes into focus as we muster the courage to act and move towards something better. If Life is blinding, one has the choice to let the deepest wish within one’s self to see be temporarily realized through the trusted sight lines of others.
There are moments in life where the simplest actions are the most difficult. In the days the followed surgery that changed my balance, the simple act of walking was impossible! I could not walk straight or far. Letting go and letting others help was a difficult but required action. This challenge continues.
It may not seem like much, but any step in the right direction should be celebrated! When I look back, I see several small, nobody noticed at the time events as turning points in my life. I am thankful for the help then and I wonder if I am missing the obvious now. In the past, _______ (fill in the name of the person walking with Angelic shoes) “led you out of your dark, dark cell, broke open the jail and led you out.” (Psalm 107.14)
Help is here. Look upwards, to the left and to the right. Check in front and behind. We are not alone.