If one is willing to see the obvious, one can usually see truth. Truth does not hide. It is there, here, present for those with the courage to look, experience, and wrestle. There is an element of truth sitting just beyond one's grasp even when you have begun to see it for what it is. The mysterious part of truth is its depth and breath. I often find that this knowledge only comes with time, although even with graying I am reluctant to suggest that is the sole criteria. Even with time, some never get the whole picture. Even with experience, some stay with a shallow understanding. Even with reflection and meditation, some only grasp the superficial. Those that see the whole truth – full, without coloration, with the textures and nuances – often find themselves in a world with new understanding and behaviors.
One group that saw the whole truth could not help themselves. “They came from the villages surrounding Jerusalem, throngs of them, bringing the sick and bedeviled. And they all were healed.” (Acts 5.16) They had a firm grasp on truth. They understood the breath of love. They were overwhelmed by compassion. The actions they took on that day and I am sure on the ones that followed reflected the depth of this experience.
Life is full of rules, axioms, opportunities, links, and other kinds of truth. Every community is willing to reveal truth; they cannot help but do this. Individuals tell a story of truth and evil; welcome to life's narrative as told through the lives of people like you and me. When brief words come together as a sentence and then a chapter, the depth and breath of the story becomes apparent.
I desperately want to know the end of your story and my own. There is unending potential in each. It is written in the present of today's dawn, in the heart of the moment at hand. We have a mission that includes revealing the depths and breadth of compassion, love, and community. Each step reveals something more. God help us.
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