In the middle of a conversation, I offered an observation of what I was hearing between the lines. I do not think I was doing anything particularly special. As I listened, I could hear a clear message between the lines. Experience keeps reminding me that we usually say far more than we intend to say to anyone listening with her/his heart. The head hears the factual. Our heads also pick up on tones, expressions, and body language. As complete as this picture can seem, when one listens with one’s heart, one hears the stories and cries of the heart mixed in and among the other words.
In the conversation, my heart listened to a story of longing for something unspoken. In retelling and sharing the story with the author, it was as if I was revealing the unknown. Metaphorically, the response followed Psalmist lines of old; “What a beautiful home, God of the Angel Armies! I’ve always longed to live in a place like this.” (Psalm 84.1)
Once the story was on the table, our conversation changed. I enjoyed what followed immensely! Depth and candor are the only words I know to describe the dialogue. By the time we finished, lingering longer because it was something neither of us wanted to end, I was filled with hope and purpose.
I woke this morning wondering about my Divine conversation. I am certain the Spirit hearts with heart and mind. I realize that there is an opportunity for me to do the same. I can do the stuff of living, letting my heart in on the story and what follows. In the moment at hand, you and I have unique opportunities to see, hear, and experience Divinity with our hearts as well as our minds.
I know there is a balance to the process. The best extremes in life can be found and embraced with one’s heart. I find myself letting my mind guide while my heart acts. We are part of a bigger story and a wonderful family. There is more in life to do and experience.