I am in a familiar part of my life; large blocks sitting on an airplane, musing over the vulnerability one has when one trusts human engineers in a steel contraption five miles up in the air, wondering what it will be like when I get to my destination. The wonder never stays too long. Days blur into one another. Weather patterns find themselves circling in predictable patterns. People rest in their comfort zones, far more similar than different the world over.
Some things are universal. Individual rarely finds that they enjoy, revel in, and even seek change. It is something that only seems to come at a particular moment in time or stage in live. Individuals often fear what they do not know. The emotion is far more common and natural than anyone cares to understand. Individuals tend to tell the truth, at least their bodies do. No matter how much one likes control, the body often reveals the truth. Even with careful manipulation, the truth comes first. One only receives lies and spin in the fullness of time.
The question I find myself musing and playing with each observation is this; does the person know where they are going? Does he or she understand the destination of their steps? Are they willing to pay the real price necessary to get there? Will they opt out if, when they realize what is really going on?
Chaos, confusion, and wondering are in every life, including mine. I do find hope in the simple reality that I have a sense of where I want to go and be. The answer is simply this; I want to be with and in God, always. I desire to move in a direction with more hope, compassion, and love, always. I am willing to pay the price, whatever it is, to get there.
When I hear God’s words, “Do you see what I've done? I've refined you, but not without fire. I've tested you like silver in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48.10) I find myself longing for God. It is time.
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