Getting two individuals or groups synchronized is difficult. Differences in perspectives, values, and priorities are the obvious challenges. Desires, past experiences, dreams, and emotional needs all come into play. Even when one gets everything aligned the level of energy both parties bring to the process is key.
I find myself on a different page from virtually everyone else most of the time. At least one of the seven variables is different and that makes for interesting sparks! Life is an intriguing mystery waiting for exploration and discovery; at least that is what I keep telling myself. The question I keep asking myself is this; are the differences that frequently make life stressful of my own creation and responsibility? Am I really the primary source of my own stress?
I continue to explore the questions from a wide range of reflection viewpoints. Are the stress-points consistent in pattern, person, or type? Is it a reaction of others to how I approach decisions or even life? Are there stress points where I can make a difference? What do I do about my stress with God? Where does God fit into the equation?
In human relationships, I realize that while I am a majority contributor, I am not alone. Everyone bring their plates to the table and, as a result, we drive potential wedges into relationships. God is fundamentally different. “Now that we are set right with God by means of this [Christ’s] sacrificial death, the consummate blood sacrifice, there is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way.” (Romans 5.9)
In so many ways, you can state the equations another way. In relationships, I am 51-99% responsible for being on a different page from other person. Even when the other person is totally in the wrong, my actions and approach aggravates the situation. With God the situation is different yet similar. God’s role in our relationship takes care of everything that divides us. I keep pulling in differences, but they are just not there!
God is the glue that makes life work.