The glow of winning my first basketball game in years was fading quickly. The euphoric feeling replaced with signals from my legs. They did not like being pushed this hard! Everything hurt. It was obvious that I needed to have someone take a look that knew what s/he doing.
I waited for a week plus to start asking if anyone knew someone they could recommend. Soon I had an appointment booked, confident that an examination was a step in the right direction. As the time approached I discovered there was a catch. It appeared that the middleman had booked the check-up with a quid pro quo. Tonight’s examination would be followed by a home cooked dinner, preferably with pasta.
As I scrambled around in the kitchen, searching through the fridge and cabinets to see what might be possible, there was a clear sense that everything was going to work out. I had no idea how or why, but it seemed as though the pieces were here if only I could open myself up to the possibilities. It is hard to describe what followed without making it sound like I had it all planned but it was a process that worked as it was supposed to work.
For some reason, I had two bags of fresh carrots. Seasoned steam carrots would work just fine! There were rolled parathas in the freezer. With a touch of garlic and oil, I had my bread to go with the pasta. The sauce for the pasta needed to be something more than just from a bottle. As I held fresh garlic in my hand, I was reminded of great dinner with my dad when he had come to visit me in San Francisco. My pasta then had friend olives in the red sauce. The member idea seemed perfect!
An hour later, my legs examined, exercises to help the healing process in place, I found myself whispering David’s words; “I give you all the credit, God – you got me out of that mess, you didn’t let my foes gloat.” (Psalm 30.1)