There are moments where the lesson and insight of the moment does not land. Simply put, it takes time to see, feel, and put whatever it is, into context. In my youth, I was sure there was directly correlated to intellect and openness. With experience and more grey hair, I am not so sure.
I am in the middle of an extended conversation with a group of individuals. Each has a unique, experienced shaped view. There are stories to tell, emotions to unpack. With a mix of cultures, generations, and other factors, the reality of understanding what is being said in context is something which is slowly unfolded with the passage of time. Life is reminding me of past lessons in new ways.
Being direct is often the best approach, however one should not expect that this is the end of the story. Listening and watching with quiet patience is often required to open the doors to a new dialogue. As direct as the communication is, questions and inquiry often follow to give the message and experience context.
The time it takes for a direct message to fully land is often correlated with the gap to what has been acceptance and the importance all parties place on understanding. Radical ideas take time to land, even when the listener is open and willing. Important messages will take on greater meaning with time and reflection. An initial wow can become a WOW.
Reflection and consideration take time to a new level. As I sailed yesterday evening with a large group of new friends, I found myself caught in a sunset meditation. An awareness and understanding is taking several direct messages and giving each permission to inform my hear and shape the framework through which I see the road ahead. As important as speed is, there are benefits in slowing down to move faster.
As I consider direct moments, I remember how Divinity “led Israel right through the middle, His love never quits.” (Psalm 136.14). I know time, dialogue, and reflection will open any moment in time to more.