As I mature (get old and older), I find myself pursuing my priorities and passions with more determination, relentlessness, and ruthlessness. I seem blind to the oblivious on the way, narrow in hearing, and biased in reacting. Everyone is working with me on this, right? Things are coming together to support the effort, correct? Conflicts always turn and move in harmony with my mission, true? Discovery and clear sight are illusive events that I often do not look for or miss.
When first caught in this trap, I thought it was an age thing. After looking and talking with others, I am convinced it is true for all ages. Kids focused on their birthdays, miss the obvious and continue to make unending lists. Workers see their jobs as a rigid set of parameters with a set path and so lose sight of the opportunities to achieve their goals. Friends are blinded by the needs in their relationships, searching for the very thing that is beside them. Everyone’s behavior and actions driven by the need to discover what is often already available!
In a sad story, Solomon writes about the reaction of the woman at the moment of discover. When you read the words, “So now I’ve come to find you, hoping to catch sight of your face – and here you are!” (Proverbs 7.15), you can feel the buried emotion bursting out at the seams. You sense the total abandoned and carelessness the will follow. You understand how vulnerable she is in this situation. You anticipate the destruction that is clearly come later.
What is it that you and I seek with all our heart? Do you know with any degree of clarity? Do I understand how my passions color my sight and actions? Is the discovery going to change everything? Really?
In my journey, I am finding that I have fewer and fewer true passions for discovery. Yes, I still dabble with much in life, however there are few things on the “must have” list. For me, God is my priority and passion. Discovery is incredible.