When I think of anyone, starting with myself, coming of age, there is a recurring start to the conversation that follows; “I have found a discovery of some importance.” It goes on to talk of seeing something that one thought they would never see or find and that discovery being within one’s self. The content varies. For some, it is the discovery of love. For others, it is the realization they are part of something greater than themselves. Whatever it is, the coming of age and opening of a new chapter is, for the individual, monumental.
I recently found myself starting a new chapter. Like many stories, there are good parts to it and others that I would have preferred to avoid. What is familiar is the sense of awareness, insight, and emerging understanding. While others may sigh and not find it of interest, for me it is a significant change.
Included in my discovery is the following.
Every individual deserves my respect because s/he is an important character in the larger story. I may not know or understand their role. Our relationship may be mixed, bad, or good. Regardless, s/he is a member of the same family I belong to and as such enjoys all the benefits and challenges of being my sibling.
As clearly as I think I know myself and others, there is still room to see and understand more. A recently read about the unintended consequences of attending boarding school. While not a perfect picture, there was much that I recognized! The is always more to learn about and for each other. Without the quest, the insights that follow will remain lost, often forever.
At the heart of our lives is a thirst to commune with each other and something greater than ourselves. By whatever name one wants to use for what is greater, “in the place of worship, in God’s house, in Jerusalem, God’s city. Hallelujah!” (Psalm 116.19) In whatever way we choose to see those around us, embrace, love, and support.
I rediscovered I am called to love and live.