Today begins with reflection. Some would see it as a day of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. I agree, however I also find myself alone and far from home. As a new light emerges, I am thinking of the journey and life as I find it. It is a confusing mix.
On one hand, I know why I am doing what I am doing. I deeply care about the family. The sense of responsibility and accountability that my parents and extended family imprinted in me when I was young is absolute. There are times I wish I had a more carefree attitude towards everything in life. Yet, I know that I am who and what I am.
In the dark moments of the night, I find myself examining life from the inside out. There are interesting characters in my life! Some I understand. Others are puzzles that refused to be solved.
I know my situation is not unique. There are many in variations of the same story. I have come to accept that the hassles I face are relatively small compared to the pain and uncertainty others live with everyday.
I hear the whisper of advice offered centuries ago. “So, my dear children, don’t let anyone divert you from the truth. It’s the person who acts right who is right, just as we see it lived out in our righteous Messiah.” (1 John 3.7) The words carry an approach I would do well to hold onto.
Life is never defined by the pain or evil in our lives. It is described by our actions in the course of an ordinary day.
Life is textured by the actions of others, yet another’s story is not yours or mine. Our story is told by our relationships and what we do in and with them.
Life is in itself neither good nor bad, it simply is. What makes life good or bad is the way we live. We tell the story. We present the details and heart of the story in our choices.
We choose the words for today’s story.